5 Strategies for Choosing the Right Journal After Rejection

Dealing with manuscript rejection can be frustrating, but it's an opportunity to improve your work and find a better publication fit. Here are 5 key strategies to choose the right journal after rejection:

  1. Reflect on Feedback and Revise

    • Carefully review reviewer comments and address concerns

    • Clarify introduction, research questions, and methods

    • Enhance data presentation and discussion section

    • Make substantial revisions to strengthen your research

  2. Identify Suitable Journals

    • Use online directories like DOAJ, JCR, and Scopus

    • Analyze journal metrics like impact factor and citation rate

    • Review journal scope and aims for alignment with your research

  3. Evaluate Journal Quality and Credibility

    • Consider impact factor, citation analysis, and peer review process

    • Check indexing in reputable databases and publisher reputation

    • Use resources like Cabells Journalytics and Journal Citation Reports

  4. Consider Target Audience and Readership

    • Identify the journal's focus, editorial board expertise, and tone

    • Assess impact factor, acceptance rate, and citation frequency

    • Ensure alignment with your intended audience and research goals

  5. Shortlist and Prioritize Options

    • Create a list of 3-5 suitable journals

    • Prioritize based on relevance, publication speed, and impact factor

    • Seek advice from colleagues and mentors

By following these strategies, you can turn rejection into an opportunity and increase your chances of publishing your research in the right journal.

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1. Reflect on the Feedback and Revise Your Manuscript

Receiving feedback from peer reviewers is an opportunity to improve your manuscript. Before submitting to a new journal, take the time to carefully review the comments and address any concerns raised. This will increase your chances of publication and enhance the overall quality of your research.

Develop a Revision Plan

Create a plan to address the feedback. Organize the comments into three categories:



Major Concerns

Significant issues that need to be addressed first

Medium-Level Issues

Important points that require attention

Minor Problems

Small errors or suggestions that can be addressed last

Create a checklist based on the feedback to ensure that each point is systematically addressed.

Enhance Your Manuscript

Use the feedback to refine your work. Clarify your introduction and research questions to clearly convey the significance of your work. Improve your research methods and enhance data presentation. Address any statistical concerns and strengthen the discussion section by addressing reviewer questions and incorporating additional relevant literature.

By reflecting on the feedback and revising your manuscript, you can significantly improve its quality and increase its chances of publication in a reputable journal. Stay open-minded and don't be afraid to make substantial changes to strengthen your research.

2. Identify Suitable Journals Using Online Resources

When searching for a new journal to submit your manuscript, it's essential to utilize online resources to identify suitable options. This step can save you time and increase the chances of publication.

Utilize Journal Directories and Databases

Websites like the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and Scopus provide a comprehensive list of journals in various fields. You can filter your search by:

  • Subject area

  • Impact factor

  • Other criteria

to find journals that align with your research.

Analyze Journal Metrics and Rankings

Evaluate the journal's metrics, such as:



Impact factor

A measure of the journal's influence

Citation rate

The frequency of citations per article

Acceptance rate

The percentage of accepted manuscripts

This information can give you an idea of the journal's reputation and competitiveness.

Review Journal Scope and Aims

Carefully read the journal's scope and aims to ensure they align with your research objectives. Look for journals that have published similar research in the past, as they are more likely to be interested in your work.

By utilizing online resources, you can efficiently identify suitable journals for your manuscript and increase your chances of publication. Remember to stay focused and persistent in your search, and don't be discouraged by rejections.

3. Evaluate the Journal's Quality and Credibility

When selecting a journal to resubmit your manuscript, it's crucial to evaluate the journal's quality and credibility. This step ensures that your research is published in a reputable and reliable journal, which can impact your academic reputation and the visibility of your work.

Factors to Consider

Several factors can help you assess a journal's quality and credibility:



Impact Factor

A measure of the journal's influence and citation rate

Citation Analysis

Analyze the journal's citation record to determine its impact on the field

Peer Review Process

Ensure the journal has a rigorous and transparent peer review process

Editorial Quality

Evaluate the journal's editorial board and their expertise in the field

Indexing and Abstracting

Check if the journal is indexed in reputable databases and abstracting services

Publisher Reputation

Research the publisher's reputation and their commitment to academic integrity

Resources for Evaluating Journal Quality

Several resources can help you evaluate a journal's quality and credibility:



Cabells Journalytics

A database that provides detailed information on journal quality and credibility

Journal Citation Reports

A tool that provides impact factor and citation analysis data

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory

A database that provides information on journal peer review, indexing, and abstracting

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

A directory that indexes high-quality, open-access journals

By carefully evaluating a journal's quality and credibility, you can increase the chances of publishing your research in a reputable and reliable journal.

4. Consider the Journal's Target Audience and Readership

When selecting a journal to resubmit your manuscript, it's essential to consider the journal's target audience and readership. This step ensures that your research is published in a journal that aligns with your research goals and reaches the intended audience.

Identify the Target Audience

To identify the target audience, review the journal's website, past issues, and editorial board. Ask yourself:

  • What topics does the journal focus on?

  • Who are the journal's editorial board members, and what are their areas of expertise?

  • What types of articles have been published in the journal recently?

  • What is the journal's tone and style?

Understand the Readership

Understanding the journal's readership is crucial in determining if the journal is a good fit for your research. Consider the following factors:



Impact Factor

A measure of the journal's influence

Acceptance Rate

The percentage of accepted manuscripts


The number of people who read the journal

Citation Frequency

How often articles are cited

By considering the journal's target audience and readership, you can increase the chances of publishing your research in a journal that aligns with your research goals and reaches the intended audience.

5. Shortlist and Prioritize Your Journal Options

After evaluating the journal's quality, credibility, and target audience, it's essential to shortlist and prioritize your journal options. This step ensures that you submit your manuscript to the most suitable journal, increasing the chances of publication.

Create a Journal Shortlist

Create a list of 3-5 journals that align with your research goals and meet the evaluation criteria. Consider the journal's impact factor, acceptance rate, and publication speed. You can also seek advice from colleagues, mentors, or peers who have published in similar journals.

Prioritize Your Journal Options

Prioritize your journal options based on their relevance to your research, publication speed, and impact factor. Use the following table to help you prioritize:


Priority Level

Relevance to Research


Publication Speed


Impact Factor


Assign a priority level to each factor based on your research goals and needs. This will help you decide which journal to submit your manuscript to first.

By shortlisting and prioritizing your journal options, you can increase the chances of publishing your research in a reputable and relevant journal. Remember to stay flexible and be open to feedback and revisions throughout the publication process.


Rejection is not the end of your publication journey. It's an opportunity to improve your manuscript and find a better fit. By following these five strategies, you can increase your chances of publication and share your research with the right audience.

Turning Rejection into Opportunity

1. Reflect on Feedback and Revise: Use the reviewers' comments to improve your manuscript. This step can increase its chances of acceptance in a new journal.

2. Identify Suitable Journals: Use online resources to find journals that align with your research topic, scope, and target audience. This targeted approach can save time and increase your chances of success.

3. Evaluate Journal Quality and Credibility: Assess factors such as impact factor, peer-review process, and indexing to ensure you submit to a reputable journal.

4. Consider the Target Audience: Ensure that the journal's readership aligns with your intended audience. This can increase the visibility and impact of your research.

5. Prioritize Your Options: Create a shortlist of potential journals and prioritize them based on factors such as relevance, publication speed, and impact factor.

Key Takeaways



Reflect on Feedback and Revise

Improve your manuscript based on reviewer comments

Identify Suitable Journals

Use online resources to find journals that align with your research

Evaluate Journal Quality and Credibility

Assess factors such as impact factor, peer-review process, and indexing

Consider the Target Audience

Ensure the journal's readership aligns with your intended audience

Prioritize Your Options

Create a shortlist of potential journals and prioritize them based on relevance, publication speed, and impact factor

By following these strategies, you can turn a rejection into an opportunity to find the perfect home for your research. Remember to stay persistent and flexible throughout the publication process.


What to Do with a Rejected Paper?

When your paper is rejected, you have five options:




Make the recommended changes and resubmit to the same journal.


Make changes and submit to a different journal.


Make no changes and submit to a different journal.


Discard the manuscript and never resubmit it.


Appeal the decision with the journal.

What to Do When a Manuscript Is Rejected?

After manuscript rejection, researchers have five options:




Appeal the decision with the journal.


Revise and resubmit to the same journal.


Revise and resubmit to a different journal.


Submit the unchanged manuscript to another journal.


Drop journal resubmission and seek other options.

Remember to stay persistent and flexible throughout the publication process.